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A Sliver of Redemption (Half-Orcs Book 5) - David Dalglish.mobi

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obrazekThe war god Thulos marches across the world of Dezrel, recruiting soldiers into his demon army and annihilating all who stand against him. With the aid of three Kings, Harruq Tun and his friends must save the nation of Mordan, whose priest-king has sworn to the dark god, and will summon whatever nightmarish creatures necessary to maintain rule. Once freed, they can turn their attention east, to the war god's approach. Before the walls of Mordeina, and high above in the golden city of Avlimar, the last survivors make their stand against a world of death and conquest. A SLIVER OF REDEMPTION by David Dalglish The final battle has come.


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obrazek This book is a prequel to the Ringworld series (200 Years before the Discovery of Ringworld) The newly liberated humans of the Fleet of Worlds now face a new threat besides the sly Puppeteers: the Pak, a very smart and utterly ruthless species who are fleeing the exploding galactic core in an armada of ships at near light speed. The Pak are headed towards the Fleet of Worlds, having destroyed entire planets in their wake. Sigmund Ausfaller, who had been transported by the Puppeteers from Earth to the Fleet, is now sent with his human allies to reconnoiter and divert the Pak. A Pak is captured, but even a well-guarded Pak prisoner can be lethal. Sigmund and the human colonists must cope with many unpleasant surprises between the manipulative Puppeteers, the brilliant, violent Pak, and a new species called the Gw'oth, who seem to be allies but have their own agenda.
obrazek Avery Cates is a very rich man. He's probably the richest criminal in New York City. But right now, Avery Cates is pissed. Because everyone around him has just started to die - in a particularly gruesome way. With every moment bringing the human race closer to extinction, Cates finds himself in the role of both executioner and savior of the entire world.
obrazek When Cafad Scratha was a child, someone murdered his entire family. People have questioned his sanity ever since. As the last Scratha, he's dedicated his life to catching the murderers. Now a desert lord, one of the mysterious elite of the southlands, he stands above every mundane political imperative and rule of courtesy--or so it seems until the king of the northlands tries to bring Scratha to heel. Scratha's bizarre reaction throws the independent southlands into chaos: he hands temporary control of his family lands over to the king, takes on an assumed name, and sneaks out of the city. The king sends Alyea, a young noblewoman, to hold the ceded prize: but while she understands kingdom politics, she's quickly out of her depth in the byzantine world of the southlands. What she thought was a quick ticket to power turns out to be a dangerous assignment that may well lead her to a literal dead end. Just as trapped is Idisio, the orphaned street-thief sent by a chance encounter into Scratha's service. As his new and throughly unstable master goes undercover, Idisio finds himself drawn into the mysterious world of the desert lords and their secrets. Idisio's growing comprehension of the world he's stepped into doesn't just change his beliefs; it leads him to an unsuspected truth about himself that will change his life forever. obrazek
obrazek Między życiem i śmiercią, snem i jawą, przy dworcu kolejowym poza krańcami świata znajduje się miasto Palimpsest. Trafienie do niego jest cudem, tajemnicą, darem i przekleństwem; podróż jest zastrzeżona dla tych, którzy zawsze wierzyli, że istnieje jeszcze inny świat poza tym, który na co dzień postrzegamy. Ci, który dane jest do niego trafić, zostają naznaczeni - po upojnej nocy na ich skórze pojawia się wytatuowana mapa cudownego miasta. Do tego królestwa pociągów-widm, lwich kapłanów, żywych kanji i kanałów pełnych śmietanki przybywa czworo podróżnych: Oleg - ślusarz z Nowego Jorku; November - pszczelarka; Ludovico - introligator, specjalista od oprawiania białych kruków; i młoda Japonka imieniem Sei. Każde z nich straciło coś ważnego - żonę, kochanka, siostrę, cel w życiu. to, co znajdą w Palimpseście, przejdzie ich najśmielsze wyobrażenia. Cudownie napisany i zachwycająco pomysłowy "Palimpsest" to książka dla wszystkich tych, którzy kochają stare mapy i odczuwają tęsknotę na dźwięk turkoczącego nocą pociągu. Współczesne arcydzieło, opowiedziane niepowtarzalnym głosem i z wyjątkową wrażliwością. W "Palimpseście" Catherynne M. Valente po prostu zwaliła mnie z nóg mistrzostwem w posługiwaniu się językiem - gęstym, opanowanym, narkotycznym, odpowiednim dla opowieści o dziwnej miłości i oglądanych w halucynacjach miastach" - pisze Warren Ellis, autor "Transmetropolitana". "Opowieści sieroty" wprowadziły czytelników w niepowtarzalny i odurzający świat wyobraźni Catherynne M. Valente. Tym razem autorka tworzy lirycznie erotyczne miejsce magiczne, w którym groteska miesza się z pięknem , a podróż do niego zaczyna się od pocałunku nieznajomego... obrazek
obrazek The Kingdom of Rolencia sleeps as rumours of new Affinity Seeps, places where the untamed power wells up. By royal decree all those afflicted with Affinity must serve the Abbey or face death. Sent to the Ab­bey, the King’s youngest son, Fyn, trains to become a warrior monk. Elsewhere others are tainted with Affinity and must fight to survive. Political intrigue and magic combine in this explosive first book in an exciting new fantasy trilogy.
obrazek A DEVILISH PLOT TO ASSASSINATE THE QUEEN, A COLD WAR ENEMY HELL-BENT ON DESTROYING THE NATION, INCREDIBLE GADGETS, A RACE AGAINST TIME AROUND THE WORLD TO STOP THE ULTIMATE DOOMSDAY DEVICE...AND ELIZABETHAN ENGLAND'S GREATEST SPY! Meet Will Swyfte -- adventurer, swordsman, rake, swashbuckler, wit, scholar and the greatest of Walsingham's new band of spies. His exploits against the forces of Philip of Spain have made him a national hero, lauded from Carlisle to Kent. Yet his associates can barely disguise their incredulity -- what is the point of a spy whose face and name is known across Europe? But Swyfte's public image is a carefully-crafted facade to give the people of England something to believe in, and to allow them to sleep peacefully at night. It deflects attention from his real work -- and the true reason why Walsingham's spy network was established. A Cold War seethes, and England remains under a state of threat. The forces of Faerie have been preying on humanity for millennia. Responsible for our myths and legends, of gods and fairies, dragons, griffins, devils, imps and every other supernatural menace that has haunted our dreams, this power in the darkness has seen humans as playthings to be tormented, hunted or eradicated. But now England is fighting back! Magical defences have been put in place by the Queen's sorcerer Dr John Dee, who is also a senior member of Walsingham's secret service and provides many of the bizarre gadgets utilised by the spies. Finally there is a balance of power. But the Cold War is threatening to turn hot at any moment... Will now plays a constant game of deceit and death, holding back the Enemy's repeated incursions, dealing in a shadowy world of plots and counter-plots, deceptions, secrets, murder, where no one... and no thing...is quite what it seems.
obrazek Rolencia's ancestry enemy, Merofynia, has invaded and marches on King Rolen's castle. Powerless to help, thirteen yeard old Piro watches as her father, King Rolen, listens to poisoned whispers against Bryen. How could the King doubt his second son? Determined to prove his loyalty, Bryen races across the path of the advancing army to ask the Abbot to send the warriors monks in defence of the castle.
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