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  • 13,2 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
Peppa and George love jumping in mud puddles, even when it's raining – but when George takes off his rain hat, he catches a cold. After some warm milk and plenty of rest, George feels much better.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,6 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
A new child comes to daycare, and she is a bit shy. Her name is Emily Elephant.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,4 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
Peppa and George look after Polly the Parrot while Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig go on holiday, but when they get ice cream, Polly flies away.

z chomika wesalina

  • 23,2 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
Peppa and her family share a picnic with Mr Zebra the Postman and Zoe Zebra. But when it's time to go home, Peppa leaves her teddy behind.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,8 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
Inspired by their favorite television show, Peppa and George want to be famous detectives too. Daddy Pig gives them a mystery to solve.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,9 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
Rebecca Rabbit has a little brother named Richard who is the same age as George.

z chomika wesalina

  • 23,7 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
Peppa and George visit Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig's house, and Grandpa Pig makes a scarecrow because the crows are eating his crops.

z chomika wesalina

  • 15,6 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
On a windy fall day, Peppa and her family go to the park to play soccer.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,9 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
At daycare, Madame Gazelle tells the kids what a time capsule is, and buries one.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,4 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
Peppa and George go to the beach with Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig, and find tide pools. Peppa rescues a little fish and puts it back in the sea. That's when she decides to make a tide pool of her own.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,7 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
Peppa, her family and friends are playing at the pond with their toy boats. Everyone has a boat to play with except Rebecca Rabbit.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,5 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
Granny and Grandpa Pig have invited Peppa and her family to lunch. On the way, Peppa's family get caught in a very long traffic jam. They still haven't arrived by the time lunch is ready, so Grandpa Pig decides to bring the lunch to them – in his wheelbarrow! There's enough delicious food for everyone stuck in the jam.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,5 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
It's almost time for bed. Peppa and George play outside then they are called in for their bath. After that they brush their teeth and get into bed so Daddy Pig can read them a story. Soon they are fast asleep. Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig finally sit down to watch television, but it's been a long day and they are very sleepy too.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,6 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
It is Field Day at Peppa's daycare and lots of special events are due to take place. Daddy Pig tells Peppa that winning is not important – it is taking part that counts.

z chomika wesalina

  • 11,8 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
Peppa's friend Pedro wears glasses. Peppa thinks she might need glasses too, so Mummy Pig takes her to the optician for an eye test.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,9 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
Daddy Pig's car runs out of gas but Granddad Dog's gas station is not far away. With one phone call, Granddad Dog is on his way.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,2 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are taking Peppa and George to play in the playground. On the way it gets a bit foggy, and soon it is so foggy they can't see anything. They decide to go home, but that in itself proves problematic.

z chomika wesalina

  • 13,0 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
Peppa and her family are at the pool. George is a little worried at first but is soon splashing happily with his friend Richard Rabbit.

z chomika wesalina

  • 13,1 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
Peppa and George are playing in Grandpa Pig's garden when they find a little snail. Then Grandpa also shows them his beehive.

z chomika wesalina

  • 10,9 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
Grandpa and Granny Pig take Peppa, George and all their friends on a fun boat trip to Pirate Island. On the island, Grandpa shows everyone how to use his metal detector to find treasure and they all build a big sandcastle.

z chomika wesalina

  • 24,1 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
Peppa and her family are at the school fair where the top prize in the raffle is a trip in a hot air balloon.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,9 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
Today is George's birthday and Mummy and Daddy Pig have a special day planned. George gets a new Brontosaurus toy and the family go to the museum to see lots of different dinosaurs, including a robot dinosaur that actually moves and roars! In the begin, George has a bit scared, but now he likes it. The special day ends with a big cake and all of Peppa and George's friends having fun together.

z chomika wesalina

  • 13,3 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
The lawn has grown so tall that Peppa and George's ball gets lost in it. It falls to Grandpa to save the day with Big Bertha, his motorized lawnmower.

z chomika wesalina

  • 13,0 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
Zoe Zebra delivers a very special letter for Peppa and George – an invitation to her birthday party.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,3 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
Peppa, George and Daddy are in the garden painting a picture of a cherry tree when the ducks turn up and run through the paint – and all over their masterpiece.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,7 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
Daddy Pig winds up the old cuckoo clock in Peppa and George's bedroom. When the clock strikes the hour, a wooden bird pops out, flapping its wings and singing 'Cuckoo!'.

z chomika wesalina

  • 11,9 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
Peppa and George are visiting their cousin Chloe and will get to meet Chloe's new baby brother, Alexander, for the first time.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,4 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
Grandpa Pig has built a terrific toy train that he calls Trudy. When he takes Peppa and George for a ride on Trudy, they meet their friends along the way. There is twenty of room on the train for everyone, so they all hop aboard. Peppa and George think that Trudy is the best toy train a kid could ever have!

z chomika wesalina

  • 13,0 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
Peppa and her family go for a day's bike ride. Peppa rides her little bike. while Mummy and Daddy Pig ride their double-seated one with George on the back. Peppa loves riding downhill but she is not so keen on riding uphill, so she insists they should have a downhill race.

z chomika wesalina

  • 13,0 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:32
Peppa and George go ice skating, but they have never been before and Peppa keeps falling over, but she soon finds herself ice skating wonderfully.

z chomika wesalina

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