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Kobieta Bugnme5

widziany: 8.10.2021 13:40

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494025 plików
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  • 1,3 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
Bella Swan, a now popular author, and Edward Cullen, the handsome doctor of everyone's dreams, were two best friends turned bitter. But what happens when an unsuspecting turn of events bring these two former companions closer than they were before?AH!OOC


  • 1,4 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
Bound by an agreement, Bella & Rose must hide a dark past to gain their revenge. But when Edward & Emmett come into their lives, can they keep their secret? Or will it destroy them all? AH/OOC,canon couples;


  • 1,5 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
Bella Swan's life changed the day she found her husband in bed with another woman. A chance meeting at the gym changes her life forever. This is the journey of how Bella ugly duckling became a Swan. BDSM story. AH


  • 2,0 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
Edward has known of Bella for the past five years. Being thrown together at a music arts summer program shocks them both. Getting to know her more, he finds something he didn't know he's been looking for. What happens when someone comes to take her away from him? Can he fight his past and the evil lurking in their present to keep her safe? Adult themes and subject matter. All Human. Rated NC-17 for subject matter, cursing, and eventual smoking hot lemons. OOC.


  • 1,9 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
He's a cocky man-whoring movie star. She's a media heiress engaged to another man. When Bella is in town finalizing her wedding plans she meets one of the men on her "Top 5." Rated M for a reason, very OOC.


  • 1,1 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
More than 2 million career and volunteer firefighters serve in more than 50,000 departments throughout the United States – This is just one stations story. Slightly OOC, AU, AH, canon pairings, rated M for a reason...full summary inside...


  • 1,5 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
Best friends, a freak snowstorm, and a blackout. Throw in some board games and nice sheets, and who knows what will happen?


  • 0,8 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
Bella's bad luck has landed her in Chicago for a business trip, with no luggage and no hotel room. Her co-worker, Edward, steps in to help! Her luck is about to change. AH. Canon pairings. Fluffy. Rated M for lemony goodness.


  • 1,3 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
Bella moves to a new town, to escape a past filled with immeasurable pain. Edward returns home from Iraq, to step into his position as fulltime single father. Together with his family and friends, can Edward help Bella get past the guilt, and heal? AH


  • 3,8 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
When Charlie goes over Bella's head and hires a gorgeous and cocky new employee for the ranch, will she be able to fight her growing attraction to him as much as she fights with him? Rated M for language and UST. Romance/Humor/Drama


  • 0,9 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
Bella is new in Texas and her welcoming is warm to say the least. One hot night leads to so much more. More than they bargained for, but… well, it's all in the name of love. Hot trailer lovin' in EPOV and BPOV. And bring on the little runts! No angst.


  • 1,2 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
AU-human: Edward, Bella and Jake are juniors in Forks. Very NC-17 with Edward and Jake both bi, but not PWP - there's plot, angst, humor and romance as these messed-up kids figure out their three-way relationship. You'll like Jake here - trust me!


  • 5,2 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
Recently widowed Bella moves to Seattle to start a new life. Reconnecting with her friend, Bella meets Alice's brother, Chef Edward Cullen. Celibate by choice for 2 years, what happens when Edward finds himself undeniably attracted to a sexy new Bella?


  • 2,0 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
Bella's dying to break into the music biz, but is thwarted at every turn. When boy band 5Point holds open auditions, it could be her big chance. Of course, first she has to convince them she's a boy… AND hide her huge crush on the dreamy lead singer.


  • 1,8 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
True love always conquers all...but in the real world, can Edward handle what Bella has chosen to do for those she loves? AH, ExB, OOC, and honest.


  • 4,0 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
Edward Cullen, successful business exec/playboy/all around bad boy. Bella Swan, divorced mom/graphic artist/unwilling to trust her heart to the likes of someone like Edward again. Will she give him a chance? Does he even deserve one? AH, AU ExB


  • 1,0 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
Bella tries to keep her distance from Edward, thinking that she can't be hurt if he is never more than a pretty face. Too bad she doesn't let Edward in on her plan.


  • 1,8 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
THE CUBE str1-113
Bella is a unique girl, to say the least, and meets Edward when he needs to learn a different way to live. She helps him look at the world in a whole new way and find true love.
TILT str114-203
Can a squiggle and a Lemniscates make a marriage work and have a child? Will Edward, ah, learn to trust women and will Bella finally learn to listen *SEQUEL To The Cube*
DRIFT str204-283
Family life with a squiggle can be tough, but a trip to Hawaii with their friends gives Edward, ah, and Bella an adventure of a lifetime. *Third in the trilogy of The Cube and Tilt*


  • 1,5 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
"It should have scared me, but it didn't. I shouldn't have wanted it, but I did." Dark and empty. Lonely and unfulfilled. Can two broken souls find connection in spite of their differences? E/B OOC Rated M because there will be sex and it will be hot.


  • 2,5 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
Bella is successful and strong and has everything she thinks she wants in life. A chance meeting with a mysterious Edward one night, potentially changes everything she thought she knew and wanted. AU/AH/Slightly OOC. Rated M for language and lemons.


  • 1,7 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
After being dragged to a baseball game by her best friend, Bella Swan meets handsome first baseman, Edward Cullen with the help of a rogue foul ball. There's something about him that she can't put out of her head, and apparently neither can he. E/B AU AH


  • 2,7 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
Bella Swan is an abused child and has no hope of ever escaping her step father, James. She hides and pushes people away that get too close. Edward Cullen comes along and is determined to help her and keep her safe.


  • 1,6 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
Bella discovers that Edward has just died in a hurricane in the Dominican Republic. After finding out, she begins to have strange dreams of her past that all involve Edward. She starts to become obsessed with sleeping to figure out what it all means.


  • 2,4 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
Bella has an amazing life as a teacher in paradise. She's doing all the things she loves: teaching, playing music, and Edward? Tattoos, and Choppers, and LEMONS! Oh, my! AH, OOC, LANGUAGE


  • 1,0 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
I needed a roommate. What I got was one heck of a problem. AH BxE Rated M


  • 1,7 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
Bella loves Edward, much more than she should. Edward is an addict. Bella deals with it. Years of this cycle begin to take its toll, and Bella is fed up. A near fatal accident forces Edward into a coma, and Bella reexamines her previous decision. Will Bella stay, or is it all too much? OOC/AH


  • 1,4 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
Bella Swan is a writer for a Women's Magazine in Florida, a magazine that she writes the self help column for...Something she really wants to escape. The good news, she is escaping self help, the bad news, she's covering the lives of women behind sports stars...In Denver.
Here she meets three amazing women; the girlfriend, fiance, and wife to two players and the coach of the team, but what will happen when the team superstar, Edward, takes an interest in Bella?


  • 2,5 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
What happens when a scholarship athlete and an English major from opposite coasts meet in a freshman writing seminar? Will they be drawn together or forced apart by their weekly discoveries of themselves and each other? All human college coeds!


  • 1,1 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
Edward, a well know author, starts working at Bella's bar as research for his next project. But as circumstance pushes them together, and feelings grow into something serious, Bella's afraid her past will change the way Edward feels. AU/AH/Canon COMPLETE!


  • 1,3 MB
  • 14 paź 14 12:11
Bella is thinks she is in love with Jacob but soon finds herself in an abusive relationship that spirals into years of an abusive marriage. She finally finds the courage to get herself out but still has her demons to face as she learns to start living life again. As she begins to heal and put together a new life for herself, she meets Edward, there in an instant connection between the two but can she find the courage to open herself up again? To take a risk to love?


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89 plików
129,7 MB


kawikawi napisano 29.10.2015 08:30

zgłoś do usunięcia

budus2 napisano 8.11.2015 21:18

zgłoś do usunięcia
Niesamowita kolekcja, WOW. Dzięki

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radmatuszewski napisano 6.06.2016 15:39

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jmit3160 napisano 28.11.2017 05:20

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Do you have finding their balance by M Q Barber?

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wagnerka9595 napisano 21.12.2018 19:33

zgłoś do usunięcia

wihek53709 napisano 20.04.2022 18:16

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Super chomik

jayami8282 napisano 3.01.2023 11:57

zgłoś do usunięcia
Super chomik

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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności