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  • 21 kwi 12 22:59
Między życiem i śmiercią, snem i jawą, przy dworcu kolejowym poza krańcami świata znajduje się miasto Palimpsest. Trafienie do niego jest cudem, tajemnicą, darem i przekleństwem; podróż jest zastrzeżona dla tych, którzy zawsze wierzyli, że istnieje jeszcze inny świat poza tym, który na co dzień postrzegamy. Ci, który dane jest do niego trafić, zostają naznaczeni - po upojnej nocy na ich skórze pojawia się wytatuowana mapa cudownego miasta. Do tego królestwa pociągów-widm, lwich kapłanów, żywych kanji i kanałów pełnych śmietanki przybywa czworo podróżnych: Oleg - ślusarz z Nowego Jorku; November - pszczelarka; Ludovico - introligator, specjalista od oprawiania białych kruków; i młoda Japonka imieniem Sei. Każde z nich straciło coś ważnego - żonę, kochanka, siostrę, cel w życiu. to, co znajdą w Palimpseście, przejdzie ich najśmielsze wyobrażenia. Cudownie napisany i zachwycająco pomysłowy "Palimpsest" to książka dla wszystkich tych, którzy kochają stare mapy i odczuwają tęsknotę na dźwięk turkoczącego nocą pociągu. Współczesne arcydzieło, opowiedziane niepowtarzalnym głosem i z wyjątkową wrażliwością.

W "Palimpseście" Catherynne M. Valente po prostu zwaliła mnie z nóg mistrzostwem w posługiwaniu się językiem - gęstym, opanowanym, narkotycznym, odpowiednim dla opowieści o dziwnej miłości i oglądanych w halucynacjach miastach" - pisze Warren Ellis, autor "Transmetropolitana".

"Opowieści sieroty" wprowadziły czytelników w niepowtarzalny i odurzający świat wyobraźni Catherynne M. Valente. Tym razem autorka tworzy lirycznie erotyczne miejsce magiczne, w którym groteska miesza się z pięknem
, a podróż do niego zaczyna się od pocałunku nieznajomego...

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 21 kwi 12 22:59
The Sanctuary of the Redeemers is a vast and desolate place—a place without joy or hope. Most of its occupants were taken there as boys and for years have endured the brutal regime of the Lord Redeemers whose cruelty and violence have one singular purpose—to serve in the name of the One True Faith.

In one of the Sanctuary's vast and twisting maze of corridors stands a fourteen-year-old boy. He has long-forgotten his real name, but is now called Thomas Cale. He is strange and secretive, witty and charming, violent and profoundly bloody-minded. He is so used to the cruelty that he seems immune, but soon he will open the wrong door at the wrong time and witness an act so terrible that he will have to leave this place, or die.

His only hope of survival is to escape across the arid Scablands to Memphis, a city the opposite of the Sanctuary in every way: breathtakingly beautiful, infinitely Godless, and deeply corrupt. But the Redeemers want Cale back at any price . . . not because of the secret he now knows but because of a much more terrifying secret he does not...

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  • 21 kwi 12 22:59
Nowe idzie. Jedenastu autorów, jedenaście tekstów. Olejniczak, Kilian, Miszczak, Rogoża, Przechrzta, Skalska, Majka, Juraszek, Wegner, Zbierzchowski, Małecki. XIX-wieczny fallout, parahorror o ciele i krwi, religijna space opera, fantastyka emigracyjna, słowiańskie neofantasy, militarna science fiction bliskiego zasięgu
? Albo inaczej: umierający Paryż Ludwika Filipa, w którym panuje wieczna, postapokaliptyczna noc; eksperymenty z ciałem, których celem jest coś więcej niż zmiana płci; wysłannik Watykanu, odległy układ gwiezdny i tajemnicze objawienia; Wyspa otoczona przez wody apokaliptycznego kataklizmu; rozciągnięte na milionlecia chronowojny, prowadzone przez
podróżników pomiędzy światami; miłość i opętanie w sennym, górskim miasteczku; czwórka żołnierzy uwięziona na zatopionej łodzi podwodnej? Jaka jest polska fantastyka A.D. 2008? O czym piszą autorzy wchodzącego na literacki Parnas pokolenia fantastów? Czy tak wygląda przyszłość polskiej science fiction?

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  • 21 kwi 12 22:59
Doskonała kontynuacja "Z mgły zrodzonego". Dokonali niemożliwego, obalając niemal boską istotę, której brutalne rządy trwały tysiąc lat. Teraz Vin, wychowanka ulicy, która wyrosła na najpotężniejszą Zrodzoną z Mgły w krainie, i Elend Venture, zakochany w niej szlachetnie urodzony idealista, muszą zbudować nowe społeczeństwo na gruzach imperium. I wtedy atakują ich trzy oddzielne armie. Jedynie starożytna legenda daje cień nadziei. Ale nawet jeśli Studnia Wstąpienia istnieje, nikt nie wie, gdzie jej szukać
i jakimi mocami obdarza. Być może zabicie Ostatniego Imperatora nie było wcale najtrudniejsze i prawdziwym wyzwaniem okaże się przetrwanie po jego upadku.

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  • 288 KB
  • 21 kwi 12 22:59
Zoë Martinique's life hasn't been ordinary for quite awhile. First she developed the ability to travel outside her body at will-where she encountered some seriously weird things. Things that left her with powers that she didn't really want or need. Still, a person can get used to almost anything- even being a Wraith. Though more often than not, it plays serious havoc with her love life.

But for once, Zoë is glad of her abilities. Bodies are showing up all over Atlanta, drained of blood. They're beings from another astral plane, called Revenants-and they're being stalked by her old enemy, the Phantasm. The Revenants are hardly the nicest of creatures-but to preserve the cosmic balance, Zoë will need to put everything on the line to save them...

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  • 21 kwi 12 22:59
Frey is the leader of a small and highly dysfunctional band of smugglers, occasional pirates and sometime fraudsters. An inveterate womaniser and rogue, he and his gang make a living on the wrong side of the law, existing on the fringes of the empire, avoiding the attention of the Union Navy. With two ragged fighter craft and a small cargo ship on the verge of falling apart, he and his gang run contraband, rob ships and generally make a nuisance of themselves. So a hot tip on a cargo barque loaded with valuables seems like a great prospect for an easy heist and a fast buck ...right up until, on their opening salvo, the whole thing explodes. Suddenly Frey isn't a nuisance anymore - he's public enemy number 1 with the Union on his tail and contractors hired to take him down. Including his oldest and dealiest rival, Frey's ex-wife. But something about the explosion doesn't make sense. The barque must have been rigged to blow, and Frey's been framed to take the fall.But if he wants to prove it, he's going to have to catch the real culprit - and that means heading into the heart of the Union, and following a trail through the criminal underworld that could ultimately lead to the very top.

It's going to take all his criminal talents to prove he's not a criminal ...

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  • 21 kwi 12 22:59
Siewca wojny to opowieść o dwóch siostrach, które urodziły się księżniczkami, o Królu-Bogu, który ma poślubić jedną z nich, pomniejszym bóstwie, które nie wierzy w siebie, i o nieśmiertelnym człowieku, starającym się naprawić błędy, jakich dopuścił się setki lat

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  • 202 KB
  • 21 kwi 12 22:59
No one knows better than Rhiannon Murphy that one bad corpse can ruin your whole day. She left behind the flash and sass of Miami for the no-nonsense groove of New York City, eager for a clean slate and a fresh start. A bartender by trade, a loud mouth by choice, and a necromancer by chance; she managed to keep her nifty talent hidden from those around her-until now. The deliciously good-looking vampire, Disco, knows her secret. When he strolls into her bar to solicit help investigating the mysterious disappearances of his kind from the city, Rhiannon discovers he's not the kind of person that appreciates the significance of the word no. But in a world where vampires peddle their blood as the latest and greatest drug of choice, it's only a matter of time before the next big thing hits the market. Someone or something is killing vampires to steal their hearts, and unlike Rhiannon, this isn't their first stroll around the undead block.

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  • 21 kwi 12 22:59
Bearers of the sword

On assignment in the Philippines, archaeologist Annja Creed meets with a contact to verify some information. Easy enough. But when the man doesn't turn out to be whom he said he was, Annja finds herself handcuffed, blindfolded and kidnapped. And to make matters worse, she's a prisoner of the dreaded Abu Sayyaf, a notorious terrorist group.

Desperate to escape, Annja is able to flee after slaying one of her captors. But she soon gets lost in the hostile jungle, which is rumored to be haunted by the spirits of Moro warriors who fought off conquistadors with their blades. As she tries to stay a step ahead of the terrorists and not-so-dead spirits with a taste for human flesh, Annja's not sure she'll leave the jungle alive..

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  • 21 kwi 12 22:59
This is the first sentence of Scott Appleton’s debut novel, Swords of the Six—a book filled with dragons, swords, fairies, a host of other imaginative creatures, and endorsements from Wayne Thomas Batson and Bryan Davis to boot. As the above sample implies, Swords of the Six contains a great deal of action. But romance and suspense also find substantial roles within its pages.

A great cast of lovable characters, unique and clearly defined. The characterization was terrific. One in particular, Specter, I found totally awesome, and hope to read more about him in future books.

There are actually two story arcs in this book, clearly separated into two parts. The first is a story of six sisters with special powers as they grow up and then embark on a quest to find and bring to justice a traitor. The second is a love story between one of the sisters and a warrior. I enjoyed the first story, and could hardly put the book down through the second story.
In conclusion, Swords of the Six is a great addition to the fantasy genre and recommended to anyone with at least a favorable disposition toward the genre. I should note that my little sister adored this book, declaring it one of her favorite books ever despite being reluctant to pick favorites in the past. I think it would have reached The Favorite status if she wasn’t a bit young to be into romance.

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  • 21 kwi 12 22:59
When Cafad Scratha was a child, someone murdered his entire family. People have questioned his sanity ever since. As the last Scratha, he's dedicated his life to catching the murderers. Now a desert lord, one of the mysterious elite of the southlands, he stands above every mundane political imperative and rule of courtesy--or so it seems until the king of the northlands tries to bring Scratha to heel. Scratha's bizarre reaction throws the independent southlands into chaos: he hands temporary control of his family lands over to the king, takes on an assumed name, and sneaks out of the city. The king sends Alyea, a young noblewoman, to hold the ceded prize: but while she understands kingdom politics, she's quickly out of her depth in the byzantine world of the southlands. What she thought was a quick ticket to power turns out to be a dangerous assignment that may well lead her to a literal dead end. Just as trapped is Idisio, the orphaned street-thief sent by a chance encounter into Scratha's service. As his new and throughly unstable master goes undercover, Idisio finds himself drawn into the mysterious world of the desert lords and their secrets. Idisio's growing comprehension of the world he's stepped into doesn't just change his beliefs; it leads him to an unsuspected truth about himself that will change his life forever.

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  • 21 kwi 12 22:59
She's not sweet. She's not nice. She doesn't fight evil. She doesn't protect the weak. She doesn't serve humanity. She doesn't work in an office by day and have a secret identity by night. She doesn't have friends and family who know nothing about her but when they find out they love her anyway. She's not cool. She's not clever. She's not kind to animals. She won't help children, the elderly, and those less fortunate than herself. In fact, she doesn't care. But if you hurt her, she will kill you. Actually, she'll do worse than that - Meet Laura. She'll eat you alive.

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  • 21 kwi 12 22:59
A major new epic fantasy from the worldwide bestselling author Julian May. High Blenholme is a lush but treacherous island comprised of four feudal domains, three of them owing fealty to the fourth, Cathra. The domains are in perpetual political turmoil and border skirmishes are commonplace. The island is not only under constant attack from marauding sea-monsters, inhabitants of nearby islands, but also from the demonic woodland outlaws called Green Men, and overhead looms a giant moon, possible source of otherworldly beings who have been known to grant magical gifts. When Bram, the Sovereign King's younger son (also an apprentice alchemist), attempts to help his elder brother escape an arranged marriage by invoking these alien creatures, he unwittingly sets in motion a chain of events that will lead to cataclysmic civil war.

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  • 21 kwi 12 22:59
Rossamund Bookchild has successfully negotiated the treacherous route to High Vesting. But even within the sturdy walls of the great city, he is far from safe. For the path to becoming a Lamplighter is fraught with dangers - and not just from the dread monsters who lurk in the wilds. Rossamund will need all his wits to survive his training. And he must watch his back too, for enemies from his past are never far behind. Stunning in scope and rich in detail, alive with memorable heroes and villains and brimming with new and original science and magics, D.M. Cornish's tale of scolds, scourges, smugglers and shrewds will thrill and captivate, and leave the reader desperate for more.

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  • 21 kwi 12 22:59

Fleeing the ghosts of their violent past, two former revolutionaries - the roguish, rakish Gwynn and the taciturn Raule - escape from the desert Copper Country to the tropical city of Ashamoil. As they salvage new lives from the rubble of the old, they discover past ghosts are future ghosts too.

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  • 21 kwi 12 22:59
The Prescot family were miners. At one time, they were contracted to develop technology for a mineral rich but uninhabitable system. Gradually, all the investors shied away. Then the Prescots broke through with the technology needed to exploit entire planets, and incidentally develop domed playgrounds for the perversely rich, including indoor ski slopes and cable cars over megavolcanos, casinos and rides. This created the economic problem of being the richest people in the universe, having more money than most governments and effectively unlimited resources.

Money is a small blessing when enemies are quite willing to spend billions for the chance at trillions. Bryan Prescot and his daughter might as well have targets painted on their backs for the thugs, kidnappers and assassins their cmpetitors would throw at them. Bodyguards were necessary - Highly trained bodyguards who could be bought once and be utterly loyal no matter the circumstances.

The altercation comes to a head inside the domes and mines of Govannon, with their enemy desperate to do anything to save their own lives, now that the gloves are off. Caron Prescot has only six bodyguards against an army, but she has two aces in the hole: The miners are on her side, and Elke, Ripple Creek's psychotic demolition expert, has a nuke.

The problem with Elke having a nuke is that Elke WILL use it.

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  • 348 KB
  • 21 kwi 12 22:59
No one said fighting monsters was going to be easy . . .
You can't see them, but they're here: hiding in the pools of shadow outside a Chicago burger joint . . . wreaking havoc in Kansas City . . . feeding in sleazy "blood brothels" that cater to humans who itch to get bitten.
Cole was designing video games when he learned the truth - that foul creatures of the night lust for our blood . . . and our world. Now he's a "Skinner," a member of an ancient secret society of warriors entrusted with keeping the terror at bay. Monsters once chained to the wilderness are suddenly free and descending, razor claws ripping, on the unsuspecting city. No one knows what's coming - but Cole and his seductive partner, Paige, will be the first to dive into the meat grinder.

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  • 21 kwi 12 22:59
In the near future, the only thing growing faster than the criminal population is the Electric Church, a new religion founded by a mysterious man named Dennis Squalor. The Church preaches that life is too brief to contemplate the mysteries of the universe: eternity is required. In order to achieve this, the converted become Monks -- cyborgs with human brains, enhanced robotic bodies, and virtually unlimited life spans.

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  • 21 kwi 12 22:59
Avery Cates is a very rich man. He's probably the richest criminal in New York City. But right now, Avery Cates is pissed. Because everyone around him has just started to die - in a particularly gruesome way. With every moment bringing the human race closer to extinction, Cates finds himself in the role of both executioner and savior of the entire world.

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  • 21 kwi 12 22:59
At the end of the First Crusade, the church created a monastic military order known as the Knights Templar. Now, rising up from the ashes of history, they are the Vatican's last defense in the war between good and evil . . .

Cade Williams is no ordinary man. His ability to cross over to the other side makes him uniquely qualified to command the church's special operations division. As a modern-day Knight, Cade can use the curse that has scarred his soul as a weapon against the forces of darkness. But a new kind of unholy war is brewing-and soon Cade may be the last man standing . . . between the living and the dead.

The desecration of Templar cemeteries has sparked a full-scale investigation. Cade and his team soon discover a cabal of necromancers is behind it all. Their purpose: to claim the legendary powers of a lost holy relic for their own ungodly campaign. For Cade, there's only one way to stop them-by tracking the dead himself . . . crossing the most sacred of battle lines . . . and facing his own terrifying demons.

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  • 21 kwi 12 22:59
Beran makes a pact with the devil to become the greatest juggler in the world.

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  • 21 kwi 12 22:59
Even death could not stop Britain's greatest defenders.

In 1838, William and Tamara Swift inherit a startling legacy from their dying grandfather, transforming them into the Protectors of Albion, mystical defenders of the soul of England. But the shocked, neophyte sorcerers also inherit unique allies in their battle against the dark forces. Fighting alongside them are the famous-even infamous-Ghosts of Albion: Lord Byron, Queen Bodicea, and Lord Admiral Nelson.

When strange and hideous creatures appear in the slums of London, an unholy plague threatens to launch an epic battle that may rage all the way to Buckingham Palace . . . and beyond. Time is running out as William and Tamara must learn whether their friends will stand beside them, or seduce and betray them.

From Amber Benson, known for her dramatic portrayal of Tara in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Christopher Golden, Bram Stoker Award—winning author of The Shadow Saga and Wildwood Road, comes a vengeful tale of demons, vampires, and ghosts set in nineteenth-century London. Based on the smash BBC Web series that took England by storm, Ghosts of Albion is a horror adventure laced with dark humor and darker lusts.

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  • 21 kwi 12 22:59
In this soaring epic, Daniel Fox weaves the ancient myths and legends of feudal China into a fantasy world of brutal war and brittle passion, immortal gods and mystical creatures.

With the long-chained dragon now free and the rebels' invasion smashed by her exultant fury, the balance of power has changed. Young emperor Chien Hua is no longer struggling for survival; now he is ambitious to strike back. As treacherous General Ping Wen whispers in the emperor's ear, not even Chien Hua's beloved concubine or his most trusted bodyguard can reason with him. Worse, prolonged exposure to magical jade is changing him radically: His increasingly godlike powers are making him dangerously rash.

But with the dragon patrolling the skies above and the strait beneath, the emperor's forces have no hope of launching a counterattack - until a goddess moves to interfere. Yet neither the clash of armies nor the opposing wills of goddess and dragon can decide ultimate victory or defeat. The fate of the war lies in the blood-deep bonds between the dragon and the boy Han, her jailer and her liberator - and in the prices both will pay for their freedom.

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  • 21 kwi 12 22:59
Marcus, a.k.a “w1n5t0n,” is only seventeen years old, but he figures he already knows how the system works - and how to work the system. Smart, fast, and wise to the ways of the networked world, he has no trouble outwitting his high school's intrusive but clumsy surveillance systems.

But his whole world changes when he and his friends find themselves caught in the aftermath of a major terrorist attack on San Francisco. In the wrong place at the wrong time, Marcus and his crew are apprehended by the Department of Homeland Security and whisked away to a secret prison where they're mercilessly interrogated for days.

When the DHS finally releases them, Marcus discovers that his city has become a police state where every citizen is treated like a potential terrorist. He knows that no one will believe his story, which leaves him only one option: to take down the DHS himself.

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  • 21 kwi 12 22:59
Ever since contact was first made between humans and the alien idomeni, tensions between the two races have been frequent and bloody. As the first genetically altered human-idomeni hybrid, former Captain Jani Kilian serves as a lightning rod for the anger, outrage, and hatreds of both sides. And now the ex-soldier finds herself in the unwanted role of diplomat—serving the interests of her hybrid enclave, Thalassa, the only place in the universe that welcomes renegade humans, hybrids, and aliens alike.

But the all-powerful Commonwealth intends to bring Thalassa to its knees, and the time for diplomacy is at an end. With death surrounding her, Jani Kilian must return to where her nightmare began and once again take on her most powerful persona: warrior. For as the game approaches its inevitable conclusion, she knows only two options remain: victory . . . or extermination.

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  • 21 kwi 12 22:59
The Matrix meets Interview with the Vampire in this sexy gothic thriller about two beautiful witch sisters and the love triangle that consumes the information thief who is drawn into their intrigues.

Season of the Witch tells the story of Gabriel Blackstone: hacker, information thief, and skilled "remote viewer." Asked by a former lover to investigate the disappearance of her stepson, Gabriel's suspicions fall on Minnaloushe and Morrighan Monk, two beautiful sisters who live in a rambling Victorian house in London. Independently wealthy, the sisters spend their time dabbling in alchemy and the ancient Art of Memory--invented by the Greeks and used by alchemists and magi such as Giordano Bruno and Leonardo Da Vinci. The sisters are white, or "solar," witches, who aim to use alchemy not to turn lead into gold but to attain ultimate knowledge and therefore ultimate power. Gabriel soon becomes convinced that his client's son had been murdered and that one of the women is the killer. But which one?

As Gabriel infiltrates the world of the sisters, he finds himself drawn inexorably deeper-- becoming entranced even as he realizes that he is in mortal danger. When he is caught snooping, Gabriel must race to unlock their secrets before they can retaliate. To save himself-- and the one he loves, presuming she is not guilty--Gabriel will have to fight one of the sisters within the landscape of her own mind.

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Ania.2626 napisano 27.03.2017 01:25

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Tiili napisano 29.03.2018 18:52

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Witam, pozdrawiam i zapraszam do mnie Filmy, ciekawe Filmy Dokumentalne, Seriale, TV Show, Książki, Artykuły, Teledyski, Tapety, Emotki i wiele innych. obrazek

Tiili napisano 12.11.2018 10:27

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Witam, pozdrawiam i zapraszam do mnie Filmy, ciekawe Filmy Dokumentalne, Seriale, TV Show, Książki, Artykuły, Teledyski, Tapety, Emotki i wiele innych. obrazek

SinyDym napisano 27.07.2019 22:00

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...zobacz to...

Olarienka napisano 11.09.2021 19:34

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Szukam książki Shana Abe - the smoke thief tłumaczenie na polski, wie ktoś coś może? 😊

Olarienka napisano 11.09.2021 19:37

zgłoś do usunięcia
Szukam książki Shana Abe - the smoke thief tłumaczenie na polski, wie ktoś coś może? 😊

wawasa2516 napisano 3.02.2023 22:25

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Super chomik

izabela1968 napisano 8.09.2023 22:39

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